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Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc 

👉ශාන්ත ජොආන් ඩි ආර්ක් - Sinhalese

1.  Joan D Arc was born on January 6th 1412.
2. Joan is the youngest child of five children in the family.
3. She was born in Domari, a small village in the beautiful region of Champagne, in the  Mius  River in France .
4.  Her parents were poor but virtuous. But she was an obedient daughter for her parents.
5. Although she could not read or write because of poverty, she was very good at cooking and handicrafts. 
6. Joan was a great light to the villagers from the day that she took the first Holy Communion. 
7. Her favorite spot was a chapel in the woods that was dedicated to Our Lady.
8 When she finished her homework, she quickly went to the church to pray alone. 
9.  She always spent a lot of time with God. But she never neglected to work with her father. And also she     did weeding and digging gardens, gathering and tending cows in the meadows. 
10. When the beggars came to home she always gave money to them or if she had no money she was kind enough to give food to them.
11. During this time, 6th Charles the king of France, named VIIth Charles of France, took the throne. The war began between the French and the English. 
12. The reason for this was the war that   the agreement broke-out between the two parties and the war started before the king’s appointment.
13. When the English entered the country, the French people were worshiped the Lord 
14. one day when Joan was praying to God, she heard a strange voice calling out “Joan”.
15. At the moment, a beautiful and glorious group of angels, St. Katharina and St. Margaritha appeared in front of her. 
16. When the angels said to Joan: be a good Daughter, loved God and go to church often  and took daily holy communion. And they were also told to maintain Chastity, Poverty and obedience. 
17. When she worked in the garden she saw this lot of times. 
18. And she also think rid of worldly desires and decided to depend only on God 
19. Once again St. Michaels appeared and told Joan “I am the Angel of Michael the Preserved of France.
20.God has chosen you to save the  French state, King and the People. God said to go to war against the English. 
21. Joan was frightened and said “I am Ignoramus, I don’t know how to wae war or how to ride a Horse 
22. Then St. Michel said to Joan, “Dear daughter of God, do not be afraid. You go according  to God’s will. Defeat the enemy by the power of God. 
23. Whether Joan will accept the Gods will, she felt very sad to leave her parents, brother, neighbours and village. 
24. Joan met the General and said, “God has commanded me to defeat the enemy English who came to France and crown the Price of France”.
25. The General thought that Joan was unconscious and he rushed her away. 
26. Then Joan went to the church and prayed to God to change the Genaral’s mind and allow to go to meet the king. 
27. Later she declared to him the prediction of the defeat of Orleans, France in February 17,1429. 
28. The Prediction was completed and this caused the commander's mind to change. 
29. Afterwards he was allowed to meet King Charles Chico and was given a horse and three soldiers. 
30. The King was there as a royal servant, because he wanted to test Joan's power.
31. Earlier Joan did not see the king, but she went to the real king and wished him a long life. 
32. But the King pointed to another man and said he was the king. 
33. Then Joan said, “The King is None other than you”
34. When she came to the Palace, Soldier asked “are your God has only ones liked you to be sent for the War” 
35. Then Joan said “not to blaspheme God. God’s judgment is most terrible of all. 
36 Then he went to take a bath in the river and drowned. 
37. Then the king acknowledged that Joan was sent by God. 
38. King Charles clothed her in dazzling amour, and gave her horse for the war. 
English Translation 
39. Joan rejected the king’s Sword and informed him that the angel had told her that the sword buried near the Altar of the St. Katherine’s Church in Pierbua should go to battle. 
40. Just as she said, a sword was found from that spot. 
41. When the Priest took the sword and he reached to clean the sword, as soon as the rust was removed and the sword began to shine. 
42. Joan told French Soldiers to take the Confession and Holy Communion before  the war. 
43. Joan stopped them from drinking alcohol and saying bad words. 
44. Before receiving God’s grace, Joan was a silent and cowardly young girl. 
45. Then she was full of the Holy Spirit, she started to go for Orleans, dressed in glory, carrying the flag in her hand and leading the army.
46. Food shortages due to the war, because of hunger, the French People ready to hand over their city to the English. 
47. The sudden arrival of the French army under Joan’s leadership was frightening to the English. 
48. The English left and escaped, often attacked by French army. 
49. Joan led the French army to victory in the battle, entered the Orleans city. 
50. Joan, leading the army, continued to advance with increasing manpower, eventually the city of Rheims also won.
51. The people of the French accepted Johana, in rejoiced, cheers, Victor of God’s grace, 
52. Thus according to the old tradition of the city of Rheims, by the Archbishop of the Cathedral, Prince Charles Vii was crowned king. 
53. These day Joan praised the God in front of the Altar 
54. Joanna thought the service of God was over and asked the king for permission to go home to see her parents. 
55. But the king rejected her request, because the enemy was still in the city.
56. Again, in 1430 the angels returned to Joan. 
57. Will of God, you will be arrested by your enemies. Happily accept all that is God’s will. Don’t be discouraged.
58. After enemies of English besieged the city of Compiegne.
59. On the way to the battle  as ordered by king, Joan arrived a church where it is in “Lanji”
60. Three days after the birth, who had not been baptized, a mother came to Joan with a dead child. 
61. The mother cried and told Joan” Let the child live until he is baptized.” 
62. When she prays to God, the child rises from the dead.
63. Satisfied Joan, and left the church and returned to Compiegne.
64. Joan, with General Giome, fought and drove away the enemy. 
65. The commander thought the whole army had arrived in the city and he ordered the chains connecting the cities to be broken. 
66. But Joan and the rest of the army were unable to enter the city and were arrested by the enemies.
67 enemies attacked Joan, handcuffed him and guarded him.
68. Joan was caught by pro-British prince of Luxembourg and he bought Joan to English for 22000 pounds.  
69. Joan was taken to the city of Ruban, where she was kept in a prison cell. 
70. Joan was handcuffed, after they bound with Iron rods. Because she could not change her pose, and used rude evil soldiers to protect her.  
71. So the reason for doing, English thought that Joan had a secret power. Then they decided to kill her. 
72. Therefore they filed a false case against Joan. 
73. But Joan answered fearlessly before the jury. 
74. And she predicted to the English Army “you will have a bigger defeat than in Orleans. It happened a year before. 
75. When King Henry VI lost Paris, Joan’s prediction was fulfilled on November 12, 1437. 
76. Then the English decided to burn Joan to death 
77 Joan knew that her death was near and she confessed her sins and received the Holy Communion. 
78. The bullies dragged Joan to the death place. 
79. People gathered to the death place because they heard that Joan was being turned at the stake. 
80. Joan addressed them and said” Dear brothers and sisters please pray for me”.:
81. She looked at the judge and said, “I forgive you for the wrong decision that you have done to me” 
82. she knelt down and shed tears , “ Holy Trinity, my Jesus, have mercy on me. Mother Mary, help me!, St. Michael, St.  Katrina, St. Margarita prays to God for me.” 
83. to a priests who were nearby, Joan tell to them “  Please touch the cross as far as I can see” 
84. The Bullies tied her to a pole and set fire on her.
85. Then she look at the cross and said” Jesus, Jesus, I entrust my soul into your hands. 
86. A Soldier fainted because he went to put the fire to the Joans’. 
87. At the time of her death, like a glowing magic, people who are near her death place, saw her soul being sent to heaven. 
88. Then she died on May 30th, 1431. 
89. She was beatified by Pope Puis X on May 30, 1431 
90.  By Pope Benedict 15 was elevated to Holiness on May 16, 1920
91.  May 30th is the Feast Day of Joan D Arc.
92.Joan of Arc is hailed as the “Deborah of France” because she is the savior and a national heroine of  that country.  She has served as Slaves, Military officers, prisoners, Soldiers, Women Volunteers and emergency services an d women soldiers. 


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ශාන්ත ජොආන් ඩි ආර්ක් / St. Joan of Arc

ශාන්ත ජොආන් ඩි ආර්ක් 👉 St, Joan of Arc - English ⦁ වර්ෂ 1412 ජනවාරි මස 6 වන දින උපත ලද ජොආනා ඩි ආර්ක් දුටූවන් වසඟ කරවන රූ සපුවකින් හෙබි තැනැත්තියක වූවාය.   ⦁ ජොආනා දරුවන් පස්දෙනෙකුගෙන් යුත් පවුලේ බාලයාය.  ⦁ ප්‍රංශ රාජ්‍යයට අය් මියුස් ගඟේ, ෂැම්පේන් නම් සුන්දර පළාතේ ඩොමරි නම් කුඩා ගම්මානය      ඇගේ උපන් බිමයි. ⦁ දිළිදු වුවද, ගුණධර්මයෙන් පොහොසත්, මාපිය යුවලකගෙන් උපත ලද ඇය, කුඩා කළ ඉතා කීකරු දියණියක් වූවාය.  ⦁ දුගී බව නිසා ලිවීමට, කියවීමට හැකියාවක් නොමැති වුවත් ඉවුම් පිහුම්, මැහුම්ගෙතුම්, නූල් කැටීම් ආදී ගේදොර වැඩ කටයුතු වලට මනා සේ හැකියාවක් ජොආනාට තිබුණි.  ⦁ ජොආනා ප්‍රථම වරට දිව්‍ය සත්ප්‍රසාද වහන්සේ ලැබූ දින සිට ගම්වාසින්ට මහත් ආලෝකයක් විය. ⦁ නිවසේහි වැඩ කටයුතු අවසන් කළ ජොආනාගේ ප්‍රියතම කාර්යය වූයේ අසල තිබූ දෙව්මැදුරට ගොස් තනිවම දෙවිඳුන් යැදීමයි. ⦁ දිනපතා දිව්‍ය පූජා යාගයට සහභාගි වී දෙවිඳුන් ලැබීමට ඇය මහත් සේ ප්‍රිය කළාය. ⦁ යාචිඤාවේ ජීවිතයට කෙතරම් කාලය යෙදවූවද, පියාට උදව් කිරීමට මැලි නොවූ ඇය ගෙවත්තෙහි වැඩ, බැටළුවන් හා එළුවන් බලා ගැනීම වැනි කටයුතුද සතුටින් ඉටු කළ

The Sower and the Seed / වපුරන්නා හා බීජ

Parables Of JESUS ( ජේ සුගේ උපමා)                T h e S o w e r a n d t h e S e e d...            ව පු ර න් නා   හා බී ජ... O ne day Jesus told them the parable of the sower and the seed. දවසක් ජේසුස්  ව හන්සේ " වපුරන්නා හා බීජ" උපමාව ඔවුන්ට පැවසුවා. Once there was a man who went out to sow seed. වරක් එක් මිනිසෙක් බීජ වැපිරීමට ගියේය. As he scattered the seeds in the field, some of it fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. ඔහු බීජ කෙතේ විසිරුවද්දී එයින් සමහරක් මාර්ගය දිගේ වැටී වැටී ඇති අතර කුරුල්ලන් පැමිණ එය කෑවේය. Some of it fell on rocky ground, where there was little soil. The seeds soon sprouted, but because the soil wasn’t deep enough when the sun rose it burnt the young plants; and because the roots had not grown deep enough, the plants soon dried up. එයින් සමහරක් මද වශයෙන් පස් තිබු ගල් පොලොවේ  වැටී තිබුනි. පස ගැඹුරු නොවූ පසෙහි  බීජ ඉක්මනින් පැළවී ඇති නමුත්  මුල් ගැඹුරට වැඩී නොතිබූ නිසා හිරු නැඟෙන විට තරුණ පැළෑටි පිලිස්සී වියළී ගියේය. Some of the s